Contadina su di un asino col Figlio in Braccio
(Peasant on a donkey with son in arm)
Stefano Della Bella (Firenze 1610 - 1664)
Etching - Acquaforte (1648)
250 x 274 mm (framed, Italian walnut & silver)
Gallery collection

“Les Danseurs a la Flute au Tambourin”
The Dancers with Flute and Tambourine
Jacques Callot (Nancy France 1532 – 1635)
Etching – Acquaforte (1621 – 1625)
Italian Walnut frame
56 x 81 mm (image)<.br>
267 x 312 (framed)

Adam and Eva (1638)
Rembrandt (Holland, 1606 – 1689)
Etching, signed on plate
Antique walnut frame
Gallery collection

Pan appeared to Brixia and ordered
him not to take Chloe
French engraving (1757)
245 x 260 mm (framed)

Oh sudden wonder! Denis arrives
and wakes Jeanne
French engraving (1762)
235 x 287 mm (framed)

And Jeanne on his back goes out
into the fields to face the heros.
287 x 235 mm (framed)
French engraving (1762)

No. 20 from 'Virgil'
Christian Gottlieb Geyser
(Germany, 1742 – 1803)
(15 works from series)

Devota Profession (1799)
from ‘Los Caprichos’
Francisco Jose de Goya
(Lucientes, Spain - 1746 – 1828)
Etching, Aquatint, and Drypoint
Antique frame
Gallery collection

Simplici Schreibstunde (1881)
(Simplicius' Writing Lesson)
Max Klinger (Germany, 1857–1920)
Etching with chine collé
695 x 530 mm (framed)
Danish antique frame

Simplicius am Grabe des Einsiedlers (1881)
(Simplicius at the Hermit's Grave )
Max Klinger (Germany, 1857–1920)
Etching with chine collé
695 x 530 mm (framed)
Danish antique frame

Der Badende Mand (1882)
The Bathing Man
Carl Heinrich Bloch
(Denmark 1834 - 1890)
306 x 388 mm (framed)
Danish antique frame
Gallery collection

Den syg gamle Mand (1882)
The Sick Old Man (Opus 35)
Carl Heinrich Bloch
(Denmark 1834 – 1890)
Etching on handmade paper
306 x 388 mm (framed)
Danish antique frame
Gallery collection

De tre kvinder og Perseus (1900)
(The Three Women and Perseus)
Lorenz Frølich (Denmark 1820 - 1908)
Etching, signed in the plate
400 x 483 mm (framed, Danish antique)

Hunde - Dogs (1900)
Lorenz Frølich (Denmark 1820 - 1908)
Etching (creased), signed in the plate

Forfaldent fæstehus ved Jellinge
(Aging building near Jellings)
Leo Neuschwang, Denmark (1907 - 1986)
Etching, signed
425 x 465 mm (framed)

The Primrose Gatherers (mid 1980's)
Myles Birket Foster, England (1825 – 1899) Chromolithograph
234 x 262 mm (framed)
Gallery collection

The Raven (1964)
Bo Bon Fils (18 etchings
framed in sets of 3)
Poem by Edgar Allen Poe
6 frames 360 x 1500 mm ea
(also available - original oblong folio,
title leaf + colophon & black slipcase)

The Raven (page 10)

The Raven (page 11)

The Raven (page 12)

In addition to the artists shown individually, Fe29 has a collection of early European and Scandinavian etchings from artists including:
Fe29 has a collection of early etchings and engravings by old masters and more recent artists including:
Jacques Callot (France, 1592 – 1635)
Stefano della Bella (Italy, 1610 – 1664)
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (Holland, 1606 – 1689)
Christian Gottlieb Geyser (Germany, 1742 – 1803)
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (Spain, 1746 – 1828)
Lorenz Frölich (Denmark, 1820 – 1908)
Max Klinger (Germany, 1857 – 1920)
Bo Bon Fils (Denmark)