Hamish Horsley - Paintings

+64 021.453.418:: thelab@fe29.com

Wild Sea (2017)
Gouache on paper, framed
365 x 440 mm (framed)
365 x 440 mm (paper)
Wild Sea III (2017)
Gouache on paper, framed 490 x 600 mm (paper)
200505 HH Wild Sea III cropped 60 x 49 s
Fire over Water (2013)
Gouache on paper, framed
420 x 300 mm (paper)
200505 HH Fire over water, 2013, Gouache on paper, 42 x 30 cm s,
Goauche on paper, framed
800 x 990 mm (paper)
200505 Pyramid 99 x 80 cm s
Reflections drawing
Graphite on paper, framed
Framed Drawing 30 x 42 s

Horsley’s work embraces the spirit and energy of nature, reflecting the harmony and change in landscape and culture. The rhythms, layers and forms that emanate from the natural world are the underlying essence for his work as sculptor, painter and photographer.

Born and raised in Whanganui, Horsley moved to London, where he graduated from the Royal College of Art in 1986. Remaining in London for over 35 years, he worked as a professional artist and teacher, building an impressive reputation with many significant and often monumental public art commissions and private projects. His work is found throughout the UK, Northern Europe, the Middle East and more recently India, Vietnam and Thailand (his second home).
Horsley’s iconic public and private art projects range in scale from small, intricately carved fountains to large public sculptures, such as the internationally renowned Tibetan Peace Garden in Central London. Each work is designed to reflect the unique character of the specific site, while also showcases Hamish’s distinctive style. “My objective with both public and private commissions is to create a visual harmony – a natural empathy between the sculpture and its environment”
Currently based in Whanganui, Horsley is looking to move to Dunedin.
Click to see  some of Horsley’s Sculptures