5 Square Knot 2; steel
Croix Williamson

5 Square Knot; steel
Croix Williamson

On Track; iron & Oak
Cecilia Orr in collaboration with Chris Cander, Jim Miller & Mark Love

Untitled, copper
Ishmael Soto

Untitled, copper
Ishmael Soto

Transcendence; copper, steel & Oak, with poem
Cecilia Orr in collaboration with Chris Cander

Untitled 1, Steel
Croix Williamson

Untitled, steel
Croix Williamson

Untitled, copper
Ishmael Soto

Bound to the Rail; iron & steel
Lawrie Forbes

I See a Bridge of Zeal; iron & steel
Lawrie Forbes

Bridge Across; iron & steel
Lawrie Forbes

Ball Spiral, steel
Croix Williamson

Listening Spiral, Steel
Croix Williamson

Window Spiral; steel
Croix Williamson

Untitled, copper
Ishmael Soto

Untitled, copper
Ishmael Soto

Untitled, copper
Ishmael Soto

Fe29 produces bodies of works that function well together and include pieces in a range of sizes and mediums. To date the works have included sculptures, furniture, paintings & drawings, metal works for the wall, mixed media, ceramics, photographs, jewelry and architectural pieces.
To make things easier for the client looking for something for a particular space or purpose, we have grouped the works according to both size and type (furniture, paintings & drawings, sculptures, etc).
Please note that jewelry, ceramics and photographs have not been included in the groups by size.